Welcome to Malawi Schools Permaculture Clubs
We support interested schools & teachers in running sustainable after-school Permaculture Clubs
What is MSPC?
Malawi Schools Permaculture Clubs (MSPC) is a programme that supports primary school teachers in Malawi who want to run an after-school permaculture club at their school. Started in 2015-16 after a successful pilot at Mkondezi Primary School the programme has grown each year and there are now 28 schools in the District holding MSPC sessions.
Permaculture clubs are held weekly during term time and utilise fun and practical activities. Children learn how to care for and regenerate their local environment, new ways to use & value local resources, practical methods to improve & maintain the health of soil and manage & store water. They also learn how to produce their own diverse and nutritious food and other useful crops without the need for expensive chemical inputs.
Did you know that 80% of Malawians rely on subsistence farming to support themselves and their families? This can be precarious due to the extremes of the long dry season and very wet rainy season, and the changes seen with climate change. The majority of the population live remotely with very little outside assistance, so skills learnt through MSPC are extremely relevant.
MSPC is designed to be scalable and sustainable. Participating schools elect to join and teachers are all volunteers. The programme empowers local people (teachers) who feel motivated to help their own communities, with training, information resources and moral support throughout the year.

How To Get Involved
What Is Permaculture?
The term permaculture means permanent agriculture, which is a concept that aims to create ecosystems that respect biodiversity. The goal is to create a self-sustainable and resilient agriculture and society. Permaculture observes the interactions between its components, and seeks to integrate human activities while respecting natural processes. It is a regenerative approach to land-based activities using a systems lens to guide the design of holistic approaches that enable higher productivity of local environments while using fewer non-indigenous inputs.